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发布时间:2011-07-07 06:24:58        

























Plastics industry Bright Prospects

China PEC’2011 Work Together With Plastics Enterprises For Co-development


In 2010,total output and output value of plastic products in China reached 58.3 million t*** and 1.25 trillion yuan, mainly due to the rapid development of plastics industry support domestic demand, China’s per capita plastics c***umption reached 46 kilograms, more than doubled compared with five years ago.China has become the world’s largest c***umer of plastics in support of strong domestic demand.Nevertheless, compared developed, China per capita plastics c***umption still gaps, development potential. the world plastics c***umption per capita in developed countries, mostly in the 120 kg or more.


Strong Industry Background, Representative Plastics Exhibition

Taizhou is the largest Production Base of Plastic Products in China with the most abundant products and lowest price.In Taizhou, there are more than 11,000 enterprises specialized in the plastic industry, and their annual sales reach 46.5 billion RMB (About USD 7 billion),In 2010, the plastic c***umption of Taizhou was more than 5 million metric t*** which takes nearly 10% of total c***umption in China.Taizhou is also well-known as"hometown of moulds",there are more than 2,000 mould manufacturers in Taizhou.

China Plastics Exhibition & Conference (Abbreviation: PEC) is organized once a year. The purpose of the event is to promote the development of plastic industry, but not to make profit. It is an established exhibition brand in China, fully endorsed and supported by the plastics industry. It's a showcase for all the elements of the industry, such as plastic products, raw materials, machines, mould and dies, also related technologies. Since 2005 it is listed as the only exhibition in the plastics industry supported by the Ministry of Commerce oof China.


The 10th China Plastics Exhibition & Conference on Plastics Industries (also known as China PEC'2010) was successfully concluded on Sept 5th,2010 at Taizhou Interenational Convention & Exhibition Centre, Zhejiang, PR China.As the renowned event for the plastics industries in China and the world, Nearly 500 exhibitors from China and oversea countries  exhibited their new and best products at China PEC'2010.The three-day China PEC'2010 has attracted nearly 20,000 Visitors from 40 countries and regi***. Among them, nearly 5% visitors were overseas buyers.The successful staging of China PEC'2010, has no doubt laid a solid foundation for the new edition to be held in 2011.


Showcase for all the elements of the industry

China PEC is a showcase for all the elements of the industry, such as plastic products, raw materials, machines, mould, and dies related technologies. The organizer will continue set up the zone named “Recycle Plastic Material Zone” for recycle material providers and It will help visitors in easier sourcing and enable exhibitors to promote their corporate identity more effectively.




The 11th China PEC will be held from 22th-24th,Sept 2011 in Taizhou International Convention & Exhibition Center Zhejiang Province, China and in order the facilitate visitors planning their trip before hand, China PEC 2011 Pre-register Service is now put into service! Visitors who h***e successfully completed their registrati*** can not only enjoy free admission but also other additional privileges.Please visit China PEC'2011 website and Pre-register now: www.china-pec.com



























Plastics industry Bright Prospects

China PEC’2011 Work Together With Plastics Enterprises For Co-development


In 2010,total output and output value of plastic products in China reached 58.3 million t*** and 1.25 trillion yuan, mainly due to the rapid development of plastics industry support domestic demand, China’s per capita plastics c***umption reached 46 kilograms, more than doubled compared with five years ago.China has become the world’s largest c***umer of plastics in support of strong domestic demand.Nevertheless, compared developed, China per capita plastics c***umption still gaps, development potential. the world plastics c***umption per capita in developed countries, mostly in the 120 kg or more.


Strong Industry Background, Representative Plastics Exhibition

Taizhou is the largest Production Base of Plastic Products in China with the most abundant products and lowest price.In Taizhou, there are more than 11,000 enterprises specialized in the plastic industry, and their annual sales reach 46.5 billion RMB (About USD 7 billion),In 2010, the plastic c***umption of Taizhou was more than 5 million metric t*** which takes nearly 10% of total c***umption in China.Taizhou is also well-known as"hometown of moulds",there are more than 2,000 mould manufacturers in Taizhou.

China Plastics Exhibition & Conference (Abbreviation: PEC) is organized once a year. The purpose of the event is to promote the development of plastic industry, but not to make profit. It is an established exhibition brand in China, fully endorsed and supported by the plastics industry. It's a showcase for all the elements of the industry, such as plastic products, raw materials, machines, mould and dies, also related technologies. Since 2005 it is listed as the only exhibition in the plastics industry supported by the Ministry of Commerce oof China.


The 10th China Plastics Exhibition & Conference on Plastics Industries (also known as China PEC'2010) was successfully concluded on Sept 5th,2010 at Taizhou Interenational Convention & Exhibition Centre, Zhejiang, PR China.As the renowned event for the plastics industries in China and the world, Nearly 500 exhibitors from China and oversea countries  exhibited their new and best products at China PEC'2010.The three-day China PEC'2010 has attracted nearly 20,000 Visitors from 40 countries and regi***. Among them, nearly 5% visitors were overseas buyers.The successful staging of China PEC'2010, has no doubt laid a solid foundation for the new edition to be held in 2011.


Showcase for all the elements of the industry

China PEC is a showcase for all the elements of the industry, such as plastic products, raw materials, machines, mould, and dies related technologies. The organizer will continue set up the zone named “Recycle Plastic Material Zone” for recycle material providers and It will help visitors in easier sourcing and enable exhibitors to promote their corporate identity more effectively.




The 11th China PEC will be held from 22th-24th,Sept 2011 in Taizhou International Convention & Exhibition Center Zhejiang Province, China and in order the facilitate visitors planning their trip before hand, China PEC 2011 Pre-register Service is now put into service! Visitors who h***e successfully completed their registrati*** can not only enjoy free admission but also other additional privileges.Please visit China PEC'2011 website and Pre-register now: www.china-pec.com


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